Sisters’ Blog
Welcome to Sisters, Kelsey!
“I want to be a part of an organization that sees unhoused people as the experts that they are and works to engage people with lived experience to shape policy and programs.”
Kelsey was drawn to join the team because of Sisters’ outstanding reputation in the unhoused community.
Breaking the News Cycle: Don’t believe everything you read – even this
The state of current newsrooms only exacerbates challenges in covering nuanced issues like crime and poverty. In spite of these challenges, there are ways for you to stay vigilant and navigate today’s media landscape.
Supreme Court to Hear Oregon Case Regarding Homeless Rights to Rest
The City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, Gloria, et. al will weigh in on the constitutionality of both the Blake v. City of Grants Pass and Martin v. Boise decisions. The stakes are high.
Peer to Peer Spotlight: Cindy Lommasson
Cindy Lommasson helped us tremendously this year by being our first volunteer fundraiser, venturing out into the community to talk about Sisters and gather support.