Celebrating 10 Years of Fresh Change

This year, we’re celebrating the 10th anniversary of our beloved Fresh Change program!

Sisters has been at the forefront of this movement in Portland, long before the concept of food justice gained widespread attention. Our food justice work prioritizes the right to locally sourced, culturally appropriate food for all. Since 2014, we’ve partnered with Portland Farmers Market to make fresh food and the market space accessible to our community. Through these events, we build relationships, promote dignity, and initiate important conversations about food insecurity and equity.

Traditionally accessed through barter work, we revamped our programming in 2022 during our cafe closure to stay true to our founding mission of remaining connected with our community. To celebrate this milestone, we're teaming up with Street Roots, Ground Score Association, and Rose Haven to host market tour events.

So far this summer, we have hosted four market tours with over 35 participants. All participants said that Fresh Change made it easier to go to the farmers market and that they would attend another tour if given the chance.

We look forward to reopening, restarting our barter work program, and expanding Fresh Change to continue our legacy of food justice. 

Check out our new and improved web page to learn more about our history, see photos, and find out more about future tour dates.

If you have any questions, please contact our SC team at: sc@sistersoftheroad.org


Paternalism Hinders Systemic Change