Listen to the People, not the Pundits
As pundits argue, we make it a priority to heed the voices of those with lived experience of the problems. The prevailing sentiment supports stable housing without judgment and meeting people where they're at.
As we face these challenges head-on, we emphasize that Sisters of the Road stands firm in its commitment to the principles of listening to what people need. We don't depend on city or county contracts; instead, we rely on the collective strength of our supporters and advocates.
Sisters of the Road has always championed self-advocacy and autonomy. Our aim is to empower our neighbors to find their voice and speak for themselves.
This is where you come in.
There are just 14 days left in our Gather & Grow summer fundraising campaign. We depend on your support and solidarity to continue our advocacy and outreach to center the voices that actually matter in this debate. Help us reshape the narrative, foster understanding, and develop solutions informed by people, not pundits.
In Solidarity,
Kelcie Grega
Fundraising and Campaign Coordinator