Here to Stay: Celebrating Sisters’ Legacy and Future Impact

Today marks the beginning of our Here to Stay fundraising campaign.

Support Our Campaign

For decades, Sisters of the Road has been a staple in the community — a steady and reliable presence for people seeking a welcoming space to take refuge and nourish their bodies and spirits. For the past 45 years we’ve been vocal in opposing city policies that further marginalize, criminalize, and over-police our unhoused neighbors. We actively participate in debates on police accountability, gun detection technology, and state-sanctioned encampments.  

Our philosophies around nonviolence and systemic change drive us to push back against policies that further criminalize and displace our neighbors. Despite any challenges that come our way, we remain committed to advocating for social justice and systemic solutions to poverty and houselessness, as we have done for the past 45 years. 

Celebrating 10 Years of Fresh Change

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of our Fresh Change program. Fresh Change began as a pilot project in 2014, funded partly by New Seasons, to allow barter workers to use their credits for fresh produce at local farmers markets. Due to high engagement, it became a permanent program.

During this time of transition, we've adapted Fresh Change to focus on community-building experiences at the Portland Farmers Market.

Through these tours and partnerships with local vendors at the Portland Farmers Market, we’re building a strong foundation for long-term food justice and future barter opportunities for those facing poverty and homelessness.

How You Can Support Us

There are many ways to support our ongoing advocacy efforts:

  • Make a Donation: The vast majority of our funding (80%) comes from individual donors. You can make a one-time gift or make a lasting impact by becoming a monthly donor.

  • Share your favorite Sisters memory: As we look forward to the future ahead, we also want to take a moment to look back on our history as an organization. If you have a favorite Sisters memory, we’d love to hear from you! Send your memory to to share yours. Whether you’re a friend of Sisters, a past dining guest, a volunteer, or a supporter, we want to hear from you.

  • Spread the Word: Tell your friends and family about our work and encourage them to get involved.

  • Become a peer-to-peer fundraiser: Start your fundraiser today by signing up here. You can also send me an email at or call (503) 445-9888 with any questions.

Special Thanks to Our Business Partners

We’d like to thank Addy’s Sandwich Bar for being a long-time supporter of Sisters of the Road. If you’re craving soup, sandwich, salad or something sweet on Friday June 7th, be sure to stop by Addy’s at 911 SW 10th Ave. 10% of all sales will support this campaign. 

In July, our friends at Realm Refillery will allocate a portion of their $5 Voucher Program to support Sisters of the Road. Here's how it works: When you visit Realm Refillery, your visit is logged in the system. After every 5th visit, you’ll automatically receive a digital $5 voucher. Throughout the entire month of July, you can choose to donate these vouchers to Sisters!


Measure 110 Didn’t Fail, Leadership Did


Welcome to Sisters, Kelsey!